Upcoming Summer term 2025
The Political Economics of Information and Media - Reading course & tutorial (Master, 2nd year)
Prof. Dr. Günther Schulze, Ramón Rey, M.Sc.
Language: English
Content The reading course focuses on the role of information and the media for the behavior of individuals in the marketplace, in the polity, and in bureaucratic hierarchies. Students are familiarized with the empirical approaches that analyze the relationship between the individual behavior and media presence or the availability of information. In a tutorial, complementary material is presented and discussed. |
Requirements A good command of econometrics and solid knowledge of micro- and macroeconomics are required since most papers are empirical. |
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The Economics of Corruption - Reading course & tutorial (Master, 2nd year)
Dr. Nikita Zakharov
Language: English
Content At the core of almost every dysfunctional economy lies a primordial disease – corruption. Yet, the discipline of economics has only recently turned its attention to study this dire phenomenon. This reading course invites you to join the most recent developments in empirical research on the causes and consequences of corruption around the world by surveying cutting edge scientific articles. Our primary focus will be on the econometric design and the empirical methods behind the main findings of the literature. By the end of the course, the participants are expected to excel at reading, understanding, and interpreting the economic papers. These skills are essential for any economist and apply beyond the topic of corruption. In a tutorial, additional complementary material is presented by the students and discussed in the group. |
Requirements Knowledge of econometrics at an intermediate level is strongly recommended. The course requires intensive reading prior to the reading sessions and active participation in the discussions. |
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Causal Analysis in Labor Economics using R - Lecture (Master 2nd Year)
Prof. Dr. Alexander Spermann
Language: English
The course will be taugh online (live sessions, Zoom)
Content This updated course covers empirical labor economics, modern econometrics, and modern business analytics. The main textbooks are Taddy et al. (2023) and Huber (2023). I use R scripts for each session. Students should sign in at posit.cloud to get access to RStudio. Each session will be recorded via Zoom. Complementary YouTube-Videos are available on my channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi5oODsxMKzuMiI9PFp3CSw).
Lecture !!! If you want to participate, please register for the ILIAS course so that we can send you the Zoom link. |
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Wooldridge, J. (2018): Introductory Econometrics, A Modern Approach, 7th edition, Cengage Learning.
Lübke, K., & Gehrke, M., & Horst, J. & Szepannek, G. (2020): Why We should teach Causal In-fererence: Examples in Linear Regression with Simulated Data, Journal of Statistics Education, 28:2, 133-139. Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD) Difference-in-Differences (DiD) IV and LATE Propensity Score Matching (PSM) and Introduction to Machine Learning Simulation Based Inference (Shuffling and Resampling/Bootstrapping)
Hansen, B. (2022): Econometrics, Princeton University Press, forthcoming.
Huber, M. (2023): Causal Analysis, University of Fribourg, unpublished. Lechner, M. (2023): Causal Machine Learning and its use for public policy, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics (2023) 159:8, https://doi.org/10.1186/s41937-023-00113-y
Taddy, M. (2019): Business Data Science, Mc GrawHill, New York |
Masterworkshop Replication Plus - Seminar (Master, 2nd year)
Prof. Dr. Günther Schulze, Fabian Haas, M.Sc.
Language: English
Content In this seminar, students will replicate an existing regression result from the literature (in most cases with existing data) and make a contribution of their own by changing or adding something that they think is valuable in order to assess the robustness of the finding or change the perspective of the paper they are replicating. This is done under the supervision of members of the chair. The results are presented in a one-day workshop in which we comment on the work. After the workshop, students are asked to write a concise research paper in the format of the journal Economics Letters, i.e., with a maximum of 2000 words (excluding references) and indicating the contribution to the literature, see https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/economics-letters. Topics will be suggested; they are from various fields, such as growth empirics, sports economics, the economics of religion, the economics of terror, the economic analysis of populism, and others. Students may also suggest a topic of their own choice. In short, this workshop will engage students with current research practice in a concise way and with manageable effort.
Requirements The seminar requires sound coding skills (STATA or R). As the literature is mostly empirical, knowledge of econometrics to the extent taught in intermediate econometrics is also necessary. The number of slots for the seminar is limited. If you are interested in participating, please send an e-mail to Judith Müller at sek.schulze[at]vwl.uni-freiburg.de by February 4th, attaching your transcript of records. Topics will be allocated at the first meeting or thereafter if not all slots have been filled. There are no places left - application is no longer possible.
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Sportökonomik Bachelor - Blockseminar (Bachelor, 3rd year)
Prof. Dr. Günther Schulze, Lukas Pohn, M.Sc.
Language: German
Inhalt Warum haben manche Sportler mehr Erfolg und andere weniger? Welche Faktoren unterscheiden Superstars von anderen Sportlern? Werden bestimmte Sportler aufgrund ihrer Herkunft diskriminiert? Lassen sich Schiedsrichter vom Heimvorteil bestimmter Vereine beeinflussen? Sind sie neutral gegenüber Sportlern ihrer eigenen Nation? Wie wirken sich große Sportevents auf die Gewaltbereitschaft aus? Und: können sie den Erfolg von Studierenden beeinflussen? Die Sportökonomik analysiert die unterschiedlichsten Aspekte an der Schnittstelle zwischen Sport und Ökonomik. Wir werden in diesem Seminar eine Reihe dieser Aspekte betrachten, etwa die Bedingungen für Sport-ler auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, Diskriminierung im Sport oder sozioökonomische Effekte von Sportevents. Anhand aktueller empirischer Publikationen werden Sie einen breiten Überblick über die Welt des Sports aus ökono-mischer Sicht gewinnen und lernen, ökonomische Zusammenhänge empirisch zu identifizieren und zu bewer-ten. Voraussetzungen Da wir verschiedene theoretische und v.a. empirische Artikel behandeln, sind mikroökonomische Kenntnisse und Grundkenntnisse in empirischen Methoden Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme. Das Seminar wird daher für das dritte Studienjahr empfohlen. Unterrichtssprache ist Deutsch. Die Kernliteratur ist auf Englisch, gute Englischkenntnisse sind somit erforderlich. . Zeit und Ort