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Download file as PDF Basuchoudhary, Atin, Schulze, Günther G.What Can Economics Contribute to the Study of Terrorism? – The Power and Limitation of Economics 2024 Terrorism and Political Violence , pages : 1 - 14» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract We assess the potential of economics to contribute to the understanding of terrorism. We argue that the economic approach portraying terrorists and law enforcement agents as rational actors yoked to other disciplines is a source of precise falsifiable causal hypotheses. Theoretical economics rooted in rational choice provides precisely falsifiable hypotheses. This fal-sifiability makes it easier to focus on identifying causal relationships, which is essential for sound policy advice. Economists have developed a multitude of rigorous tools for causal inference ranging from instrumental variables to machine learning, which are essential in typical situations of terrorism that are beset by endogeneity problems. However, neighboring disciplines are needed to provide a rich contextual analysis that allows the assessment of the external validity of the results rigorously derived by economic analyses. Ultimately, rigorous mathematical analysis is valid only if it can capture reality wholly and simply.
Download file Jin, GanCircle of Fortune: The Long-Term Impact of Western Customs Institution in China 2023 Journal of Development Economics , volume : 163 Andreas Kammerlander, Günther G. SchulzeLocal economic growth and infant mortality 2023 Journal of Health Economics » show abstract « hide abstract Abstract We estimate the effect of local economic growth on infant mortality. We use geo-referenced data for non-migrating mothers from 46 developing countries and a total of 128 DHS survey rounds and combine it with nighttime luminosity data at a granular level. Using mother fixed effects we show that an increase in local economic activity significantly reduces the probability that the same mother loses a child before its first birthday. Dmitrii Kofanov, Vladimir Kozlov, Alexander Libman, Nikita ZakharovEncouraged to Cheat? Federal Incentives and Career Concerns at the Sub-national Level as Determinants of Under-Reporting of COVID-19 Mortality in Russia 2022 British Journal of Political Science , pages : 1 - 26» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract This article investigates the determinants and consequences of manipulating COVID-19 statistics in an authoritarian federation using the Russian case. It abandons the interpretation of the authoritarian regime as a unitary actor and acknowledges the need to account for a complex interaction of various bureaucratic and political players to understand the spread and the logic of manipulation. Our estimation strategy takes advantage of a natural experiment where the onset of the pandemic adjourned the national referendum enabling new presidential terms for Putin. To implement the rescheduled referendum, Putin needed sub-national elites to manufacture favourable COVID-19 statistics to convince the public that the pandemic was under control. While virtually all regions engaged in data manipulation, there was a substantial variation in the degree of misreporting. A third of this variation can be explained by an asynchronous schedule of regional governors’ elections, winning which depends almost exclusively on support from the federal authorities.
Download file Hannah Bauer, Günther G. SchulzeTerror and social cohesion 2022 Economics Letters , volume : 221» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract We analyze the effect of the Islamist terror attack in Strasbourg, France, on December 11, 2018, on social trust and attitudes towards immigration by comparing responses in the European Social Survey, before and after the attack. We find that, while the overall effects are mild, there is a strong divergence in attitudinal changes between supporters of the left, the center, and the right in a country that is deeply politically divided. Zakharov, Nikita, Alexeev, MichaelWho profits from windfalls in oil tax revenue? Inequality, protests, and the role of corruption 2022 Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization , volume : 197, pages : 472 - 492» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract We investigate the relationship between oil windfalls and income inequality using the subnational data of one of the resource-richest and highly unequal countries in the world – Russia. While previous literature produced contradictory findings due to the use of an aggregate measure of oil rents mainly in cross-national settings, we focus exclusively on oil rents that accrue to the subnational governments across one country. Our estimation strategy takes advantage of the two specific features of Russian oil taxation: 1) the policy change when sharing oil extraction taxes with local budgets was discontinued; and 2) the oil tax formula being tied directly to the international oil prices making oil price shocks an exogenous measure of change in oil rents. When we look at the period with oil tax revenues shared with the regional governments, we find that oil windfalls had increased income inequality and benefited the wealthiest quintile of the population in regions with more intense rent-seeking. Further, positive oil price shocks combined with greater rent-seeking reduced the share of labor income but increased the income share from unidentified sources traditionally associated with corruption. These effects of oil windfalls disappeared after the Russian government discontinued oil tax revenue sharing with regional governments. Finally, we examine some political implications of rising inequality due to the appropriation of oil windfalls. We find a positive effect of rising inequality on the frequency of protests associated with grievances among the poor and disadvantaged social groups; this effect, however, exists only in relatively democratic regions.
Download file Kammerlander, Andreas, Schulze, Günther G.Local Economic Growth and Infant Mortality 2021 CESifo Working Papers , volume : 9315, pages : 1 - 25 Kammerlander, Andreas, Schulze, Günther G.Political-economic correlates of environmental policy 2021 Environmental Research Letters , volume : 16, issue : 2, page : 024047» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract What are the correlates of environmental performance? In particular, does globalization lead to environmental degradation? What is the role of democracy for environmental performance and do left-wing governments really care more about the environment? Using a comprehensive measure of environmental performance, we test these three hypotheses for a panel of 134 countries for the period 2007-2016. Our results are surprising – we find no evidence that democracies are cleaner, left-wing governments perform better than right-wing governments, but centrist governments clearly have the highest environmental performance, and globalization is good for the environment. The positive impact of globalization is driven by social globalization ─ economic and political globalization do not play a role.
Download file von Cube, Maja, Timsit, Jéan-Francois, Kammerlander, Andreas, Schumacher, MartinQuantifying and communicating the burden of COVID-19 2021 BMC Med Res Methodol , volume : 21, issue : 164, pages : 1 - 11» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract Background: An essential aspect of preventing further COVID-19 outbreaks and to learn for future pandemics is the
evaluation of diferent political strategies, which aim at reducing transmission of and mortality due to COVID-19. One
important aspect in this context is the comparison of attributable mortality.
Methods: We give a comprehensive overview of six epidemiological measures that are used to quantify COVID-19
attributable mortality (p-score, standardized mortality ratio, absolute number of excess deaths, per capita rate, z-score and the population attributable fraction).
Results: By defning the six measures based on observed and expected deaths, we explain their relationship. Moreo‑
ver, three publicly available data examples serve to illustrate the interpretational strengths and weaknesses of the various measures.
Finally, we give recommendation which measures are suitable for an evaluation of public health strategies against
COVID-19. The R code to reproduce the results is available as online supplementary material.
Conclusion: The number of excess deaths should be always reported together with the population attributable
fraction, the p-score or the standardized mortality ratio instead of a per capita rate. For a complete picture of COVID-19 attributable mortality, quantifying and communicating its relative burden also to a lay audience is of major importance.
Download file as PDF Alexeev, Michael, Zakharov, NikitaWho Profits from Windfalls in Oil Tax Revenue? Inequality, Protests, and the Role of Corruption 2021 CAEPR Working Paper Series , volume : 2021, issue : 004, pages : 1 - 45» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract We investigate the relationship between oil windfalls and income inequality using the subnational data of one of the resource-richest and most unequal countries in the world – Russia. While previous literature has produced contradictory findings due to the use of an aggregate measure of oil rents in mainly cross-national settings, we focus exclusively on the oil rents that accrue to the subnational governments across one country. Our estimation strategy takes advantage of the two unique features of Russian oil taxation: 1) the change in oil-tax policy when sharing oil-extraction taxes with local budgets was discontinued; 2) the oil-tax formula tied directly to the international oil prices allowing to use the oil price shocks as an exogenous change in oil rents. When we look at the period with oil-tax revenues shared with the regional governments, we find that oil windfalls had increased income inequality and benefited the wealthiest quintile of the population in regions with more intense rent-seeking. Further, the positive oil price shocks combined with increased rent-seeking reduced the share of labor income but increased the income share from unidentified sources traditionally attributed to corruption. These effects of oil windfalls disappear after the Russian government discontinued oil-tax revenue sharing with regional governments. Finally, we examine the potential political implications of the rising inequality due to the appropriation of the oil windfalls. We find its positive effect on the frequency of protests associated with grievances among the poor and disadvantaged social groups; this effect, however, exists only in relatively democratic regions. Kammerlander, Andreas, Schulze, Günther G.Are Democracies Cleaner? 2020 Eur J Polit Econ , volume : 64» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract We inquire whether democracies enjoy lower pollution levels than autocracies by investigating the ‘clean democracy hypothesis’, which posits that democracies have a more demand-determined policy formation leading to more stringent environmental policies. We test this hypothesis with a large data set covering 137 countries and the period 1970–2012 using eleven different air pollutants as endogenous variables and a wide range of control variables measuring democracy, development stage, globalization, and factor endowments. We find no consistent evidence that democracies are cleaner, not even the richer ones, which casts doubt on the validity of single pollutants studies. Numerous checks show the robustness of our results. Schulze, Günther G., Sabri, AmeerAre Suicide Terrorists Different from 'Regular Militants'? 2020 Public Choice » show abstract « hide abstract Abstract We analyze the differences in the socioeconomic profiles between suicide terrorists and ‘regular’ militants using a dataset of 1596 militants (including 209 suicide terrorists) from Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). We find that suicide terrorists are better educated, younger, less likely to be married or have children, and less likely to live in the Gaza strip than their non-suicide counterparts. Moreover, although the profiles of Hamas and PIJ militants are distinctively different, the suicide terrorists are very similar to one another.
Download file Zakharov, NikitaAsymmetric Oil Price Shocks, Tax Revenues, and the Resource Curse 2020 Economic Letters , volume : 186» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract The paper proposes an asymmetric relationship between oil rents and institutions such that only positive oil windfalls adversely affect institutional quality, and negative oil windfalls have no impact. We test this theory empirically by studying the dynamics of institutional quality in Russian regions. We find that increases in tax revenues caused by exogenous positive oil price shocks do not change regional income but increase corruption and reduce regional democracy and governance quality; declines in tax revenues from negative oil price shocks do not affect institutional quality but decrease regional income. Kofanov, Dmitrii, Kozlov, Vladimir, Libman, Alexander, Zakharov, NikitaEncouraged to Cheat? Federal Incentives, Career Concerns, and Local Freedom of Press as Determinants of Under-Reporting of COVID-19 Mortality at the Sub-National Level 2020 SSRN eLibrary , volume : 2020, pages : 1 - 35» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract This paper investigates the determinants and consequences of manipulating coronavirus statistics in an authoritarian federation; in particular, we look at how the career concerns of local politicians and the regional free press determine the under-reporting of COVID-19 mortality at the sub-national level in Russia. Our estimation strategy takes advantage of a natural experiment where the onset of the pandemic has adjourned the national referendum enabling new presidential terms for Vladimir Putin. To implement the rescheduled referendum, the Russian government needed the help of sub-national elites in manufacturing favorable COVID-19 statistics to convince the public that the pandemic is under control. While virtually all regions engaged in data manipulation, as we show by comparing the official data on COVID-19 mortality published in real-time and the excess mortality reported by the authorities only after the referendum, there was a substantial variation in the degree of misreporting. We show that a third of the variation can be explained solely by an exogenously set asynchronous schedule of governors’ elections, winning which depends almost exclusively on the support from the federal authorities. We find a robust causal relationship between the proximity to the governor’s election and the under-reporting of mortality associated with COVID-19 before the referendum, but not after when the political incentives from the federal center vanished. The local free press becomes a strong predictor of less under-reporting of COVID-19 mortality after the referendum. Looking at the consequences of the data manipulations, we find that under-reporting undermines individual trust in official statistics and decreases unresponsiveness of self-isolating behavior to changes in official COVID-19 mortality. Gonschorek, GerritSubnational Favoritism in Development Grant Allocations – Empirical Evidence from Decentralized Indonesia 2020 IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 38» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract Are public grant allocations biased toward the birth districts of governors, and, if so, what explains this favoritism? The allocation of budget authority to local government officials is a common trend around the developing world, but it is often criticized for transferring favoritism from the center to lower government levels. Using a unique panel data set of 410 Indonesian districts for the period 2005–2013, I exploit the discretionary nature of a government grant and data from a large amount of asynchronous local direct elections to investigate whether the birthplace of the provincial governor determines fund allocation to the district level. I show that birth districts of incumbent governors receive significantly larger shares of discretionary grants compared with the other districts within a province. I find that local favoritism is driven by governors with political history in the district office of their birth district and is limited by local electoral accountability. Classical pork-barrel politics, however, as reelection motives or formal political party ties to the district administration, do not explain local favoritism. These results illustrate the importance of non-discretionary institutional grant design and local democratization reforms in Indonesia’s political system. The country is a young democracy characterized by low ideological cleavages, little party loyalty, and the prevalence of money politics in its decentralized fiscal system. These features characterize a number of developing countries, yet contrast sharply to the established democracies for which subnational favoritism has been analyzed.
Download file Zakharov, NikitaDoes corruption hinder investment? Evidence from Russian regions 2019 Eur J Polit Econ , volume : 56, pages : 39 - 61 Schulze, Günther G., Que, Wei, Zhang, YabinIs Public Spending Behavior Important for Chinese Official Promotion? Evidence from City-level 2019 China Econ Rev , volume : 54, pages : 403 - 417» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract This paper aims to examine the effect of public expenditure on local officials' promotion. The main objectives of this study are as follows. Firstly, we seek to discuss if the expansion of public spending will contribute to local official promotion. Secondly, we analyze, if the positive effect is possible, how is the influence of expenditure structure on official promotion; for example, what is the different between the effect of productive expenditure and welfare expenditure. Finally, we also examine the hysteresis effect of local official promotion. The panel data from 284 Chinese cities for the period of 1990–2016 are estimated using the probit model. The major findings are the following: (1) fiscal gap will positively affect officials' promotion; and (2) basic construction expenditure and official's promotion is positively correlated; however, (3) education expenditure's effect on officials' promotion is negative; and (4) real estate investment improve officials' position in the promotion championship; and finally, (5) in the early stage of official change, public expenditure and investment will statistically significant than the latter stage. Gonschorek, Gerrit, Schulze, Günther G.Continuity or Change? Indonesia’s Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfer System under Jokowi 2018 J Southeast Asian St , volume : 35, issue : 2, pages : 143 - 164 Schulze, Günther G., Zakharov, NikitaCorruption in Russia - Historic Legacy and Systemic Nature 2018 CESifo Working Paper , issue : 6864
Download file as PDF Gonschorek, Gerrit, Schulze, Günther G., Sjahrir, Bambang S.To the ones in need or the ones you need? The Political Economy of Central Discretionary Grants: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia 2018 Eur J Polit Econ , volume : 54, pages : 240 - 260 Kis-Katos, Krisztina, Sjahrir, Bambang SuharnokoThe Impact of Fiscal and Political Decentralization on Local Public Investments in Indonesia 2017 J Comp Econ , volume : 45, issue : 2, pages : 344 - 365 Barde, JuliaWhat Determines Access to Piped Water in Rural Areas? Evidence from Small-scale Supply Systems in Rural Brazil 2017 World Dev , volume : 95, pages : 88 - 110 Boumans, Dorine, Garnitz, Johanna, Schulze, Günther G.Who Has Terror Angst? Perceptions of the Effects of Terror on the World Economy 2017 Appl Econ Lett , volume : 25, issue : 1, pages : 29 - 33
Download file as PDF Schulze, Günther G., Sjahrir, Bambang S., Zakharov, NikitaCorruption in Russia 2016 J Law Econ , volume : 59, issue : 1, pages : 135 - 171 Fünfgelt, Joachim, Schulze, Günther G.Endogenous Environmental Policy for Small Open Economies with Transboundary Pollution 2016 Econ Model , volume : 57, pages : 294 - 310
Download file Hamilton-Hart, Natasha, Schulze, Günther G.Taxing Times in Indonesia: The Challenge of Restoring Competitiveness and the Search for Fiscal Space, Survey of Recent Developments 2016 B Indones Econ Stud , issue : 52, supplement : 3, pages : 265 - 295
Download file Jan Börner, Kis-Katos K, Jorge Hargrave, Konstantin KönigPost-Crackdown Effectiveness of Field-Based Forest Law Enforcement in the Brazilian Amazon 2015 Plos One , volume : 10, issue : 4, supplement : e0121544» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract Regulatory enforcement of forest conservation laws is often dismissed as an ineffective approach to reducing tropical forest loss. Yet, effective enforcement is often a precondition for alternative conservation measures, such as payments for environmental services, to achieve desired outcomes. Fair and efficient policies to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) will thus crucially depend on understanding the determinants and requirements of enforcement effectiveness. Among potential REDD candidate countries, Brazil is considered to possess the most advanced deforestation monitoring and enforcement infrastructure. This study explores a unique dataset of over 15 thousand point coordinates of enforcement missions in the Brazilian Amazon during 2009 and 2010, after major reductions of deforestation in the region. We study whether local deforestation patterns have been affected by field-based enforcement and to what extent these effects vary across administrative boundaries. Spatial matching and regression techniques are applied at different spatial resolutions. We find that field-based enforcement operations have not been universally effective in deterring deforestation during our observation period. Inspections have been most effective in reducing large-scale deforestation in the states of Mato Grosso and Pará, where average conservation effects were 4.0 and 9.9 hectares per inspection, respectively. Despite regional and actor-specific heterogeneity in inspection effectiveness, field-based law enforcement is highly cost-effective on average and might be enhanced by closer collaboration between national and state-level authorities.
Download file Kis-Katos, Krisztina, Sparrow, RobertPoverty, Labour Markets and Trade Liberalization in Indonesia 2015 J Dev Econ , volume : 117, pages : 94 - 106
Download file Graf Lambsdorff, Johann, Schulze, Günther G.What Can We Know about Corruption? A Very Short History of Corruption Research and What We Should Aim for 2015 Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik) , volume : 235, issue : 2, pages : 100 - 114
Download file as PDF Sjahrir, Bambang S., Kis-Katos, Krisztina, Schulze, Günther G.Administrative Overspending in Indonesian Districts: The Role of Local Politics 2014 World Dev , volume : 59, pages : 166 - 183 Barde, Julia A., Lehmann, PaulDistributional Effects of Water Tariff Reforms - An Empirical Study for Lima, Peru
2014 Water Resources and Economics , volume : 6, pages : 30 - 57 Kis-Katos, Krisztina, Liebert, Helge, Schulze, Günther G.On the Heterogeneity of Terror
2014 Eur Econ Rev , volume : 68, pages : 116 - 136 Kis-Katos, Krisztina, Schulze, Günther G.Corruption in Southeast Asia: A Survey of Recent Research 2013 Asian-pac Econ Lit , volume : 27, issue : 1, pages : 79 - 109» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract This paper surveys the empirical literature on corruption in Southeast Asia with a focus on the methodological approach that the contributions take to identify the extent, determinants, and consequences of corruption and the remedies against it. We present the major topics that empirical corruption research has focused on and point out the methodological challenges that this line of research has to address. We discuss the empirical corruption studies on Southeast Asia and describe the empirical approach that they have taken. Hargrave, Jorge, Kis-Katos, KrisztinaEconomic Causes of Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon: A Panel Data Analysis for the 2000s 2013 Environ Resour Econ , volume : 54, issue : 4, pages : 471 - 494» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract We use under-explored municipality level datasets to assess the recent economic and policy determinants of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. We estimate yearly panel data models (from 2002 to 2009) for 663 municipalities in the region. The results show that recent deforestation is increasing with economic activity and is also affected by economic incentives, measured by fluctuations in agricultural product and wood prices. Moreover, we document that the increasing enforcement efforts of the Brazilian environmental police (IBAMA) were effective in reducing deforestation rates. Sjahrir, Bambang S., Kis-Katos, Krisztina, Schulze, Günther G.Political Budget Cycles in Indonesia at the District Level 2013 Econ Lett , volume : 120, issue : 2, pages : 342 - 345» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract We find significant political budget cycles (PBCs) for Indonesian districts only for direct, not for indirect, elections. PBCs are significantly stronger if the incumbent runs for reelection. They are well identified due to the exogenously different timing of elections. Koppel, Hannes, Schulze, Günther G.The Importance of the Indirect Transfer Mechanism for Consumer Willingness to Pay for Fair Trade Products - Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment 2013 Journal of Consumer Policy , volume : 36, issue : 4, pages : 369 - 387» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract A natural field experiment is conducted on the determinants of consumer’s willingness to pay for “fair trade” (FT) products. In four treatments, subjects are offered different choices in connection with a coffee purchase, such as buying regular coffee or FT coffee at a premium, regular coffee with or without a premium, or donating directly or not donating. Depending on the treatment, the premium or direct donations are either given to FT or a well-known charity. A large part of the willingness to pay a premium for FT coffee over regular coffee is shown to be not related to the specific attributes of FT coffee but rather caused by the indirect transfer mechanism that FT uses, i.e., selling products at a premium which goes to the cause of FT. Kis-Katos, KrisztinaGender Differences in Work-Schooling Decisions in Rural North India 2012 Rev Econ Household , volume : 10, issue : 4, pages : 491 - 519» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract Based on a rural sample of North Indian children and adolescents, this paper addresses the determinants of participation in work and schooling. The empirical model includes market and domestic work as separate alternatives to schooling in a trivariate probit framework, allowing also for combinations of these activities as well as idleness. This differentiation sheds new light on gender differences in the work-school decisions in North India. While more traditional determinants (like wealth or parental education) mostly affect the trade-off between schooling and the gender specific work activity (market work for boys and domestic work for girls), monetary incentives (wages and schooling costs) are more closely related to market work for both sexes. Girls are also more likely to work for the market if their economic contribution can be made within the family (for instance if the household owns animals). Proxies for cultural factors turn out to play especially a role for participation in the gender non-specific work activities; for instance, overall female labor force participation shifts girls’ activities from domestic towards market work.
Download file as PDF Agustina, Cut Dian R.D., Fengler, Wolfgang, Schulze, Günther G.The Regional Effects of Indonesia’s Oil and Gas Policy: Options for Reform 2012 B Indones Econ Stud , volume : 48, issue : 3, pages : 369 - 397» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract This paper analyses the effects on the regions of Indonesia's fuel policy. It discusses how the sharing of oil and gas revenue and taxes between the centre and the regions affects the sub-national fiscal position, and examines the distribution of fuel subsidies across regions. The paper also examines the recent proposals to discontinue subsidising gasoline for private vehicles or to eliminate fuel subsidies altogether, and shows how the regions would be affected if these suggestions were adopted. We argue that the proposals would increase efficiency and equity and should therefore be implemented. Kis-Katos, Krisztina, Sparrow, RobertChild Labor and Trade Liberalization in Indonesia 2011 J Hum Resour , volume : 46, issue : 4, pages : 722 - 749» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract We examine the effects of trade liberalization on child work in Indonesia, identifying geographical differences in the effects of trade policy through district level exposure to reduction in import tariff barriers, from 1993 to 2002. The results suggest that increased exposure to trade liberalization is associated with a decrease in child work among the 10–15 year olds. The effects of tariff reductions are strongest for children from low-skill backgrounds, older siblings, and in rural areas. Favorable income effects for the poor, induced by trade liberalization, are likely to be the dominating effects underlying these results. Kis-Katos, Krisztina, Schulze, Günther G.Child Labour in Indonesian Small Industries 2011 J Dev Stud , volume : 47, issue : 12, pages : 1887 - 1908» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract We analyse the geographic incidence of child labour in small manufacturing firms in Indonesia at the village level. Our unique data set covers virtually all Indonesian villages and urban neighbourhoods; it allows us to distinguish between demand and supply side determinants of child labour. We show by correcting for sample selection that a number of counterintuitive results – child labour being unaffected by credit access and school proximity – are the result of an interplay between supply and demand side determinants. Credit access and school proximity reduce child labour supply, but simultaneously constitute positive location factors for firms thereby increasing the demand for child labourers. To effectively reduce child labour, growth oriented policies, such as enhancing school and credit facilities, should be complemented by policies specifically geared towards increasing school attendance. Kis-Katos, Krisztina, Liebert, Helge, Schulze, Günther G.On the Origin of Domestic and International Terrorism 2011 Eur J Polit Econ , volume : 27, supplement : 1, pages : 17 - 36» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract We analyze the determinants of the origin of domestic and international terrorism in a large panel data set of 159 countries spanning from 1970 to 2007. We show that terror increases with GDP per capita, a higher polity score measuring a more open and competitive political system and experiences of domestic conflict, anarchy and regime transitions. Our evidence thus contradicts the notion that terrorism is rooted in economic deprivation or that strongly autocratic regimes breed more terrorists. Rather we show that weak or failing states are an incubator for terrorism. We also show that the causes of domestic terror and international terror are similar. Czaika, Mathias, Mayer, AmyRefugee Movements and Aid Responsiveness of Bilateral Donors 2011 J Dev Stud , volume : 47, issue : 3, pages : 455 - 474» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract This article analyses the impact of refugee migration movements on the long-term and short-term aid allocation decisions of bilateral donors. We distinguish between different types of forced migrants: internally displaced persons (IDPs) that stay in their country of origin, cross-border refugees that flee to neighboring countries, and asylum seekers in Western donor states. For the period 1992 to 2003, empirical evidence on 18 donor and 148 recipient countries suggests that short-term emergency aid is given to all types of refugee situations, but is predominantly directed towards the countries of origin. For long-term development aid, Western donor states allocate aid funds primarily to the sending-countries of asylum seekers. Czaika, MathiasAsylum Cooperation Among Asymmetric Countries: The Case of the European Union 2009 Eur Union Polit , volume : 10, issue : 1, pages : 89 - 113» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract This article argues that cooperation to tackle the consequences of large asylum migration inflows is possible only among fairly symmetrical countries. Highly asymmetric countries have no incentives to join and remain in a stable coalition. The distinction between cost and spillover asymmetries shows that financial transfers may release constraints on participation, and thus make asylum cooperation feasible, only if they are focused on tackling this asymmetry. This result becomes relevant when applied to the context of the enlarged European Union. I argue that there is the potential for a future cooperative burden-sharing regime for asylum, particularly if unanimity is replaced by the double majority principle in European Council votes, as suggested in the EU reform treaty. Czaika, Mathias, Kis-Katos, KrisztinaCivil Conflict and Displacement - Village-Level Determinants of Forced Migration in Aceh 2009 J Peace Res , volume : 46, issue : 3, pages : 399 - 418» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract The purpose of this article is to identify the determinants of displacement behavior based on various push and pull factors at the village level. The study concentrates on changes in village population during three years of civil conflict (1999—2002) in Aceh, Indonesia. The empirical analysis is based on a unique dataset from two census rounds of the Indonesian Village Potential Census (PODES). It uses data on around 5,200 Acehnese villages and relates village-level population change to conflict variables, geographic patterns, and traditional socio-economic determinants of migration. By applying quantile regressions, the push (outflow) factors and the pull (inflow) determinants of migration can also be distinguished. The authors identify the following factors as the main determinants of the Aceh migration pattern in this period. First, conflict clashes induced large rearrangements of the population between villages in highly affected districts, as well as strong village emigration from the geographically remote regions in Central Aceh towards the less conflict-affected coastal industrial areas. Besides conflict factors, an (ongoing) rural—urban migration process, driven by socio-economic factors, has taken place during the conflict period. Second, there is also evidence that security considerations, such as the presence of police in a village or neighborhood, were either emigration-reducing or immigration-inducing. Third, although the presence of ethnic Javanese has not been a primary cause of conflict incidence, their intimidation by the rebel movement has led to a significant outflow, primarily from conflict-affected villages in Central Aceh. These results reveal that, beside a conflict-induced fear of violence, population movements in Aceh have also been an outcome of traditional migration determinants. Schulze, Günther G., Warning, SusanneMisleading Rankings of Research in Business: A Reply 2009 German Economic Review , volume : 10, issue : 3, pages : 368 - 371
Download file Czaika, MathiasThe Political Economy of Refugee Migration 2009 Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik , volume : 229, issue : 6, pages : 803 - 821» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract This article examines the driving forces of the magnitude, composition and duration of refugee movements caused by conflict and persecution. The decision to seek temporary or permanent refuge in the region of origin or in a more distant asylum destination is based on inter-temporal optimization. We find that asylum seeking in Western countries is rather a phenomenon of comparatively less persecuted people. In an attempt to reduce their respective asylum burdens, Western countries and host countries in the region of origin are likely to end up in a race to the bottom of restrictive asylum policies. As an alternative, this study shows that proactive refugee-related aid transfers are, under certain circumstances, an effective instrument to relieve Western countries from asylum pressure.
Download file as PDF Czaika, MathiasCheap Talk in the UN Arenas? Some Evidence on the Impact of UN
Speeches on Aid Allocation Decisions 2008 Appl Econ Lett , volume : 15, issue : 3, pages : 187 - 191» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract This study examines the relationship between bilateral and multilateral aid giving patterns and the number of speeches country representatives delivered in the two core bodies of the United Nations (UN)–the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly, respectively. For the 1990s, empirical evidence indicates a financial return on voice solely for appeals addressed in the Security Council whereas the General Assembly plenary seems to be an ineffective floor for attracting international development assistance. Lehmann, Erik E., Schulze, Günther G.What Does it Take to Be a Star? - The Role of Performance and the Media for German Soccer Players 2008 Applied Economics Quarterly , volume : 54, issue : 1, pages : 59 - 70» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract We test existing superstar theories for the German soccer league. We use various measures for individual players’ performance and media presence to analyze whether performance and popularity can explain salaries and superstars in soccer. Moreover, we argue that quantile regression technique should be applied to analyze superstar phenomena instead of OLS used hitherto.
Download file as PDF Schulze, Günther G., Warning, Susanne, Wiermann, ChristianWhat and How Long Does it Take to Get Tenure? The Case of Economics and Business Administration in Austria, Germany and Switzerland 2008 German Economic Review , volume : 9, issue : 4, pages : 473 - 505» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract This paper investigates the determinants of tenure decisions in Germany, Austria and the German-speaking part of Switzerland for professorships in economics, business administration and related fields. Our dataset comprises candidates who were awarded tenure as well as those who were eligible but were not tenured. We show that business candidates have a higher probability of being tenured than economists. Youth, marital status and publications matter; gender and children do not. The market for first appointments in economics relies much more on publication performance than the market for business administration. Schulze, Günther G., Warning, Susanne, Wiermann, ChristianZeitschriftenrankings für die Wirtschaftswissenschaften – Konstruktion eines umfassenden Metaindexes [Journal Rankings for Economics and Business Administration - Construction of a Comprehensive Meta-Index] 2008 Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik , volume : 9, issue : 3, pages : 287 - 306» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract This article constructs several meta-indexes of journal rankings from existing journal rankings which all have limited coverage. It is applicable both for researchers in the field of economics and business administration (including their respective subfields) and includes also journals which are published in German. We discuss the relative merits of meta-indexes based on peer assessment and on citations. Kis-Katos, KrisztinaDoes Globalization Reduce Child Labor? 2007 The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development , volume : 16, issue : 1, pages : 71 - 92» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract This paper considers the effects of trade liberalization on child labor that arises out of subsistence needs. It argues that favorable income effects are most likely to reduce the need for child labor in the South, even when export goods have a necessity character. However, in very poor economies, aggregate hours of child labor can also increase as a result of more open trade. Although the poorest families are the ones who benefit the most from trade in a Heckscher – Ohlin setting, their income gains might not be high enough to make them withdraw their children from work, while adverse income effects can raise the incidence of child labor among the less poor. The paper provides empirical support for the argument by finding that in a country panel, increases in trade openness are associated with significantly smaller reductions in child labor among the poorest food exporters than among food exporters on average. Brody, Stuart, Deuchert, EvaLack of autodisable syringe use and health care indicators are associated with high HIV prevalence: an international ecologic analysis 2007 Ann Epidemiol , volume : 17, issue : 3, pages : 199 - 207
Download file Deuchert, EvaMaternal Health Care and the Spread of Aids in Burkina Faso and Cameroon 2007 World health & population , volume : 9, issue : 3, pages : 55 - 72» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract This paper analyzes whether exposure to maternal healthcare is associated with a higher risk of HIV infection. Using data provided by Demographic and Health Surveys in Burkina Faso and Cameroon, the paper finds that women are 26% to 78% more likely to be HIV positive if they received tetanus toxoid injections during their last pregnancy. The analysis does not provide empirical evidence for the hypotheses that this association might be due to reverse causality, omitted variables or self-selection Brody, Stuart, Deuchert, EvaPlausible and Implausible Parameters for Mathematical Modeling of Nominal Heterosexual HIV Transmission 2007 Ann Epidemiol , volume : 17, issue : 3, pages : 237 - 244» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract PURPOSE: Several mathematical models simulate a HIV/AIDS epidemic by using the assumption that heterosexual transmission is the major or sole transmission mode. The validity of these models has been unclear. To understand the validity of these models, empirical estimates for relevant model parameters are needed that can be compared with parameters used in mathematical models. METHODS: A brief review of per-contact transmission probabilities based on HIV-discordant, monogamous couples is provided, and sources of bias in transmission efficiency estimates are discussed. Average number of partnerships and the distribution of partnerships are estimated for seven sub-Saharan African countries. Distribution parameters are fitted to the Poisson distribution, negative binomial distribution, and the discrete Pareto (Zipf) distribution, using the maximum likelihood method. The Pearson Χ2 test statistic is used to measure goodness of fit, and the Akaike and Bayesian information criteria are also provided. To balance the reported number of partnerships, missing number of prostitutes is estimated. These empirical estimates for relevant model parameters are compared with parameters used in representative models of nominal heterosexual HIV transmission in Africa. RESULTS: Reported transmission efficiencies (unadjusted for competing exposures that inflate estimates) per sexual episode range from 0.0003 to 0.0012. Average number of partnerships is less than 1.5 in all countries. The discrete Pareto distribution fits the data better than the Poisson or negative binominal distribution. In almost all countries, female reported number of partners follows a discrete Pareto distribution. To close the sex disparity gap in number of partnerships, between 0.13% and 0.69% of the female population would need to be classified as prostitutes. Comparing these estimates with the parameter values used in existing mathematical models shows that existing models use grossly inflated per contact transmission efficiencies or rely on implausible assumptions regarding contact frequency, which results in implausibly high per-partner transmission rates. Assumptions regarding average number of partners are too high, and the distribution of partnerships is not supported by available data. As a consequence, existing mathematical models overestimate nominally heterosexually transmitted HIV infection in sub-Saharan Africa. CONCLUSIONS: Existing models of nominal heterosexual HIV transmission for sub-Saharan Africa rely on assumptions inconsistent with empirical evidence. Simulations have not accurately portrayed the epidemiological situation in sub-Saharan Africa, and conclusions drawn from these models should be interpreted with great caution. To realistically simulate HIV spread in sub-Saharan Africa's general population nominally due to heterosexual HIV transmission, parameter values should be based on the most accurate data. Brody, Stuart, Deuchert, EvaThe Evidence for Health-Care Transmission of HIV in Africa Should Determine Prevention Priorities 2007 Int J Std Aids , volume : 18, issue : 4, pages : 290 - 291 Deuchert, Eva, Brody, StuartThe Role of Health Care in the Spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa: Evidence from Kenya 2006 Int J Std Aids , volume : 17, issue : 11, pages : 749 - 752 Czaika, MathiasA Refugee Burden Index: Methodology and Its Application 2005 Migration Letters , volume : 2, issue : 2, pages : 101 - 125 Czaika, MathiasAid Allocation and Asylum Migration in the 1990s 2005 Applied Economics Quarterly , volume : 50, issue : 3, pages : 289 - 303 Deuchert, Eva, Adjamah, Kossi, Pauly, FlorianFor Oscar Glory or for Oscar Money? - Academy Awards and Movie Success 2005 Journal of Cultural Economics , volume : 29, issue : 3, pages : 159 - 176 Schulze, Günther G.Nobody Knows Anything - Or Do We? Introduction to the Special Issue on the Movie Industry 2005 Journal of Cultural Economics , volume : 29, issue : 3, pages : 157 - 158 Kis-Katos, Krisztina, Schulze, Günther G.Regulation of Child Labor 2005 Economic Affairs , volume : 25, issue : 3, pages : 24 - 30 Hofman, Bert, Kaiser, Kai, Schulze, Günther G.Dezentralisierung und Korruption - Erste Erfahrungen aus Indonesien 2004 DIW Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung , volume : 73, issue : 2, pages : 226 - 246» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract Wir analysieren die Wirkung der Dezentralisierung auf die Korruption am Beispiel Indonesiens. Aus theoretischer Sicht ist der Effekt unbestimmt: Zwar erhöht die größere Nähe der Betroffenen zu den Entscheidungsprozessen ihre Eingriffs- und Partizipationsmöglichkeiten, und auch der interjurisdiktionelle Wettbewerb senkt tendenziell das Korruptionsniveau, doch ist in Entwicklungsländern auf der lokalen Ebene der politische Prozess oft weniger transparent und die Bürokratie ineffizienter. Wir untersuchen mithilfe einer umfangreichen Befragung die ersten Erfahrungen Indonesiens, das 2001 eine sehr weitreichende Dezentralisierung implementiert hat, und finden, dass das durchschnittliche Korruptionsniveau wenig verändert ist, aber sich die Korruption systematisch zu den Institutionen verlagert hat, deren Entscheidungskompetenzen sich vergrößert haben. Schließlich analysieren wir die Determinanten der regional sehr unterschiedlichen Korruptionsniveaus. Schulze, Günther G., Frank, BjörnDeterrence versus Intrinsic Motivation: Experimental Evidence on the Determinants of Corruptibility 2003 Economics of Governance , volume : 4, issue : 2, pages : 143 - 160 Schulze, Günther G., Ursprung, HeinrichGlobalisierung und die Wirtschaftspolitik der Nationalstaaten 2002 Die Volkswirtschaft , volume : 01/2002, pages : 32 - 38 Kis-Katos, Krisztina, Schulze, Günther G.Labor Standards and International Trade 2002 World Economics , volume : 3, issue : 4, pages : 101 - 129» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract Can a case be made for the imposition of international minimum labour standards? And if so, on what grounds? The authors systematically present the existing theoretical and empirical arguments for and against introducing minimum labour standards on the international level, and discuss whether trade sanctions are the instrument of choice to improve labour standards around the world. Naghavi, Alireza Jay, Schulze, Günther G.Bootlegging in the Music Industry, A Note 2001 European Journal of Law and Economics , volume : 12, issue : 1, pages : 57 - 72» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract This paper analyzes bootlegging of music, i.e. the unauthorized recording and distribution of previously unreleased music (e.g. a live concert). In particular, we investigate whether, and if so, how this illegal activity may hurt bands and record companies. Bootlegging is different from pirating, where legal releases are illegally copied and sold, because it adds to the product variety. It turns out that welfare implications of bootlegging are decisively different from those of pirating—bootlegged music does not crowd out legal sales. Frank, Björn, Schulze, Günther G.Does Economics Make Citizens Corrupt? 2000 J Econ Behav Organ , volume : 43, issue : 1, pages : 101 - 113 Schulze, Günther G., Ursprung, HeinrichLa Donna e Mobile - or is She?: Voter Preferences and Public Support for the Performing Arts 2000 Public Choice , volume : 102, issue : 1-2, pages : 131 - 149 Bommer, Rolf, Schulze, Günther G.Environmental Improvement with Trade Liberalization 1999 European Journal of Political Economy , volume : 15, issue : 4, pages : 639 - 661 Schulze, Günther G., Ursprung, HeinrichGlobalization of the Economy and the Nation State 1999 The World Economy , volume : 21, issue : 3, pages : 295 - 352 Schulze, Günther G.International Trade in Art 1999 Journal of Cultural Economics , volume : 23, issue : 1-2, pages : 109 - 136 Plümper, Thomas, Schulze, Günther G.Steuerwettbewerb und Steuerreform 1999 Polit Vierteljahr , volume : 40, issue : 3, pages : 445 - 457 Schulze, Günther G., Vosgerau, Hans J.50 Jahre GATT: Der Weg zu einem liberalen Welthandel, Wirtschaftsdienst 1998 Wirtschaftsdienst , volume : 78, issue : 1, pages : 10 - 14 Schulze, Günther G., Rose, AnselmPublic Orchestra Funding in Germany: An Empirical Investigation 1998 Journal of Cultural Economics , volume : 22, issue : 4, pages : 227 - 247 Genser, Bernd, Schulze, Günther G.Transfer Pricing under an Origin-based VAT System 1997 Finanzarchiv , volume : 54, issue : 1, pages : 51 - 67 Jansen, Jos, Schulze, Günther G.A Note on the Effectiveness of Norwegian Capital Controls 1996 Aussenwirtschaft , volume : 51, issue : 3, pages : 313 - 325 Jansen, Jos, Schulze, Günther G.Theory-Based Measurement of the Saving-Investment Correlation with an Application to Norway 1996 Econ Inq , volume : 34, issue : 1, pages : 116 - 132 Schulze, Günther G.Misinvoicing Imports: The Interdependence of Tax and Tariff Evasion 1994 Public Finance Quarterly , volume : 22, issue : 3, pages : 335 - 365 Schulze, Günther G., Koch, Karl-JosefTax Competition in a Bertrand Model 1994 J Econ , volume : 59, issue : 2, pages : 193 - 215
Books Years: 2023 |
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2000 | show all back to the top of all publications transcript Mehr Mut wagen! Plädoyer für eine aktive Politik und Gesellschaft ISBN : 978-3-8376-7040-0 Kortmann, Bernd (Hg.), Schulze, Günther G. (Hg.)» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract Wie treffen wir mutigere Entscheidungen, um zukunfts- und konfliktfähig zu werden? Und warum ist das so schwer? Im Angesicht der Situation Deutschlands und dem Agieren der Regierung in der Frühphase des Ukrainekriegs möchten die Beiträger*innen ein Zeichen für mehr Mut setzen – in der Politik wie in der Gesellschaft, in Krisenzeiten wie im Alltag. In elf pointierten Essays widmen sie sich dieser vernachlässigten Tugend und betrachten ihre verschiedenen Facetten und Voraussetzungen. Zudem leuchten sie die Rahmenbedingungen für mutigere Entscheidungen und ein mutigeres Handeln aus – bis hin zu den individuellen Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen dessen, was Mut ausmacht. Routledge The Political Economy of Redistribution in Indonesia. Political Patronage and Favoritism in Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfer Allocations ISBN : 9781032299457 Gonschorek, Gerrit J.» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract This book analyses how different institutional intergovernmental transfer designs influence patronage and favoritism in public fund allocations in Indonesia.
Presenting original research and investigating existing theories on the determinants of public fund allocations, the book uses Indonesia as a case study. Indonesia, often claimed to be characterized by money politics, provides an ideal setting for this analysis. The countries' decentralized fiscal system consists of various institutional intergovernmental transfer designs allocating public funds to a large variety of districts to finance public service provision. The author exploits those distinctive differences between various institutional intergovernmental transfer designs and investigates their influence on the prevalence of favoritism and patronage in public funds allocations while holding the political system, the observation period, and the government officials involved constant.
A valuable contribution to the literature on the political economy of redistribution, this book will be of interest to academics working on economics and political science, particularly in public finance and development economics, but also in development studies or Southeast Asian studies. Faculty for Economics and Behavioral Sciences The Political Economy of Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers: Why Institutional Design Matters - Evidence from Decentralized Indonesia Gonschorek, Gerrit transcript , page : 320Jenseits von Corona. Unsere Welt nach der Pandemie – Perspektiven aus der Wissenschaft ISBN : 978-3-8394-5517-3 Schulze, Günther G. (Hg.), Kortmann, Bernd (Hg.)» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract Die Corona-Pandemie hat unser aller Leben einschneidend verändert. Wir sind Zeugen eines multiplen Systemschocks - Schwächen und Verwundbarkeiten wurden auf vielen Ebenen bloßgelegt.
Was bleibt von der Krise und ihren tiefgreifenden Veränderungen? Stellt sie eine Zeitenwende dar oder ist sie nur eine Delle in langfristigen Trendlinien? Wie wird Corona unsere Lebenswelten in Familie, Arbeit, Schule, Wirtschaft, Politik, Kultur und Wissenschaft dauerhaft verändern?
Auf diese Fragen geben 30 exzellente Wissenschaftler*innen aus allen Bereichen Antworten, pointiert und kenntnisreich. Diese schlaglichtartigen Kurzanalysen fügen sich zu einem Kaleidoskop und geben den Blick frei auf die Welt nach Corona. Faculty for Economics and Behavioral Sciences Globalization and Child Labor Kis-Katos, Krisztina Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag Reformen für Deutschland - Die wichtigsten Handlungsfelder aus ökonomischer Sicht ISBN : 978-3-7910-2917-7 Schulze, Günther G.(Hg.) Palgrave Macmillan , page : 224The Political Economy of Refugee Migration and Foreign Aid ISBN : 9780230576889 Czaika, Mathias» show abstract « hide abstract Abstract This book inquires the determinants of forced migration, describes the distribution of burdens from forced migration across countries, and analyzes the strategic interaction of national refugee policies to control refugee flows. Emphasis is put on the role of asymmetries between countries with respect to their preferences regarding immigrants, the costs incurred by immigrants, their stage of development and especially their geographical position as neighboring first asylum country or Western asylum country. Special attention is given to one policy instrument to control refugee migration flows, namely foreign aid. The book attempts to answer questions such as: What are the driving factors of forced migration movements? How can refugee burdens be assessed and compared across different types of host countries? Who are the actors in international refugee protection and management, and how do they act? And finally, how does the phenomenon of international refugee movements, and specifically how do asylum seekers, influence the aid allocation politics of Western industrialized countries? Oxford University Press International Environmental Economics: A Survey of the Issues Schulze, Günther G., Ursprung, Heinrich Cambridge University Press The Political Economy of Capital Controls Schulze, Günther G.
Book chapters Years: 2022 |
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2010 |
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2008 |
2006 |
2005 |
2003 |
2001 |
2000 |
1999 |
1998 |
1996 |
1992 | show all back to the top of all publications Basri, M. Chatib, Ing, Lili Yan, Schulze, Günther G.Economic Recovery Requires Global Efforts In : New Normal, New Technologies, New Financing 2022, ERIA und IEA , Ing, Lili Yan und Rodrik, Dani, pages : 8 - 21, Ing, Lili Yan und Rodrik, Dani, ISBN : 978-602-5460-41-8 Schulze, Günther G.International Trade In : The Handbook of Cultural Economics 2020, Edward Elgar , Towse, Ruth & Navarrete Hernández, Trilce, pages : 311 - 319, Towse, Ruth & Navarrete Hernández, Trilce, ISBN : 978 1 78897 579 7 Schulze, Günther G.On the Environmental─Conflict and Migration Nexus In : Environment, Conflicts, Migration and Governance 2020, Bristol University Press , Krieger, Tim, Panke, Diana & Pregerig, Michael, pages : 219 - 230, Krieger, Tim, Panke, Diana & Pregerig, Michael, Schulze, Günther G.Superstars In : The Handbook of Cultural Economics 2020, Edward Elgar , Towse, Ruth & Navarrete Hernández, Trilce, pages : 485 - 493, Towse, Ruth & Navarrete Hernández, Trilce, Schulze, Günther G., Zakharov, NikitaCorruption in Russia In : Handbook on the Geographies of Corruption 2018, Edward Elgar , Barney Warf, pages : 195 - 212, Barney Warf, ISBN : 9781786434746 Kis-Katos, Krisztina, Schulze, Günther G.Context-Specificity of Economic Research: The Example of Corruption Research in Southeast Asia
In : Methodology and Research Practice in Southeast Asian Studies 2014, Palgrave , Huotari, M., J. Rüland and J. Schlehe, pages : 187 - 210, Huotari, M., J. Rüland and J. Schlehe, Schulze, Günther G., Sjahrir, Bambang S.Decentralization, Governance, and Public Service Delivery
In : Regional Dynamics in a Decentralized Indonesia 2014, Institute for Southeast Asian Studies Press , Hal Hill, pages : 186 - 207, Hal Hill, Hofman, Bert, Kaiser, Kai, Schulze, Günther G.Corruption and Decentralization In : Decentralization and Regional Autonomy in Indonesia: Implementation and Challenges 2010, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies , Holtzappel, Coen J.G. a, Ramstedt, M., pages : 99 - 113, Holtzappel, Coen J.G. a, Ramstedt, M., Kis-Katos, Krisztina, Schulze, Günther G.Chapter 23. Regulation of Child Labor In : Globalization and Free Trade 2009, Edward Elgar , Booth, Philip; Wellings, Richard, Booth, Philip; Wellings, Richard, ISBN : 978 1 84844 575 8 Lewis, Blane, Suharnoko Sjahrir, BambangLocal Tax Effects on the Business Climate In : Rural Investment Climate in Indonesia 2009, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies , Neil McCulloch, Neil McCulloch, ISBN : 978-981-230-853-5 Schulze, Günther G.Wirtschaftspolitik in der Krise In : Reformen für Deutschland - Die wichtigsten Handlungsfelder aus ökonomischer Sicht 2009, Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag , Schulze, Günther G., pages : VII - XIII, Schulze, Günther G., ISBN : 978-3-7910-2917-7 Bille, Trine, Schulze, Günther G.De kreative brancher og økonomisk udvikling In : Når oplevelser møder økonomi - kreative virksomheder, brancher og steder 2008, Klim , M. Lorenzen, T. Kristensen, L. Skov and J. Strandgaard Petersen, pages : 229 - 248, M. Lorenzen, T. Kristensen, L. Skov and J. Strandgaard Petersen, Schulze, Günther G.Tertiary Education in a Federal System - The Case of Germany In : Scientific Competition 2008, Mohr Siebeck , M. Albert, D. Schmidtchen, S. Voigt, pages : 35 - 67, M. Albert, D. Schmidtchen, S. Voigt, ISBN : 978-3-16-149413-0 Bille, Trine, Schulze, Günther G.Culture in Urban and Regional Development In : Handbook of Economics of Arts and Culture 2006, Elsevier Service , Victor Ginsburgh and David Throsby, pages : 1051 - 1099, Victor Ginsburgh and David Throsby, Kaiser, Kai, Pattinasarany, Daan, Schulze, Günther G.Decentralization, Governance and Public Services in Indonesia In : Decentralization in Asia and Latin America: An Inter-Disciplinary Perspective 2006, Edward Elgar Press , Peterson, Georg, Smoke, Paul and Gómez, Eduardo J., pages : 164 - 207, Peterson, Georg, Smoke, Paul and Gómez, Eduardo J., Perino, Grischa, Schulze, Günther G.Competition, Cultural Autonomy and Global Governanace: The Audio-Visual Sector in Germany In : Cultural Diversity and International Economic Integration: The Global Governance of the Audio-Visual Sector 2005, Edward Elgar , Guerrieri, Paolo, Iapadre, P. Lelio, Koopmann, Georg, pages : 52 - 95, Guerrieri, Paolo, Iapadre, P. Lelio, Koopmann, Georg, ISBN : 978 1 84376 807 4 Schulze, Günther G.Comment on: "The Assignment of the Income Redistribution Policy in the Presence of Migration" by Brosio and Revelli In : European Governance, Jahrbücher für neue politische Ökonomie, Band 22 2003, Mohr Siebeck , Manfred J. Holler, Hartmut Kliemt, Dieter Schmidtchen and Manfred E. Streit, pages : 167 - 171, Manfred J. Holler, Hartmut Kliemt, Dieter Schmidtchen and Manfred E. Streit, ISBN : 978-3-16-148219-9 Schulze, Günther G.International Trade of Culture In : The Handbook of Cultural Economics 2003, Edward Elgar Press , Ruth Towse, pages : 269 - 275, Ruth Towse, Schulze, Günther G.Superstars In : The Handbook of Cultural Economics 2003, Edward Elgar Press , Ruth Towse, pages : 431 - 436, Ruth Towse, Schneider, Gerald, Schulze, Günther G.The Domestic Roots of Commercial Liberalism - A Sector-Specific Approach In : Globalisation and Armed Conflict 2003, Rowman & Littlefield , Gerald Schneider, Katherine Barbieri, Nils Petter Gleditsch, pages : 103 - 122, Gerald Schneider, Katherine Barbieri, Nils Petter Gleditsch, Schulze, Günther G., Ursprung, HeinrichGlobalisation of the Economy and the Nation State In : Globalization, technology and trade in the 21st century 2001, B.R. Pub. Corp. , Singer, H. W., Hatti, N., & Tandon, R., Singer, H. W., Hatti, N., & Tandon, R., Schulze, Günther G., Ursprung, HeinrichInternational Trade, Investment, and the Environment: Theoretical Issues In : International Environmental Economics: A Survey of the Issues 2001, Oxford University Press , Günther G. Schulze, Heinrich Ursprung, pages : 15 - 44, Günther G. Schulze, Heinrich Ursprung, Schulze, Günther G., Ursprung, HeinrichThe Empirical Evidence on Trade, Investment, and the Environment In : International Environmental Economics: A Survey of the Issues
2001, Oxford University Press , Günther Schulze and Heinrich Ursprung, pages : 45 - 61, Günther Schulze and Heinrich Ursprung, Schulze, Günther G., Ursprung, HeinrichThe Political Economy of International Trade and the Environment In : International Environmental Economics: A Survey of the Issues 2001, Oxford University Press , Günther Schulze and Heinrich Ursprung, pages : 62 - 83, Günther Schulze and Heinrich Ursprung, Schulze, Günther G., Ursprung, HeinrichEconomic Integration and Environmental Policy: A Survey of the Political-Economic Literature In : Institutional Arrangements for Global Economic Integration 2000, MacMillan , Hans-Jürgen Vosgerau, pages : 161 - 186, Hans-Jürgen Vosgerau, Schulze, Günther G., Ursprung, HeinrichGlobalisierung contra Nationalstaat - Ein Überblick über die empirische Evidenz In : Nationaler Staat und internationale Wirtschaf 1999, Nomos , Andreas Busch, Thomas Plümper, pages : 41 - 89, Andreas Busch, Thomas Plümper, Koch, Karl-Josef, Schulze, Günther G.Equilibria in Tax Competition Models In : Trade, Growth, and Economic Policy in Open Economies, Essays in Honor of Hans-Jürgen Vosgerau 1998, Springer , Karl-Josef Koch and Klaus Jaeger, pages : 281 - 311, Karl-Josef Koch and Klaus Jaeger, Schulze, Günther G.Haupteintrag "Kapitalverkehrskontrollen"
In : Lexikon der Internationalen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen 1996, Oldenbourg-Verlag , Thomas Plümper, pages : 184 - 189, Thomas Plümper, Schulze, Günther G.Haupteintrag "Schmuggel"
In : Lexikon der Internationalen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen 1996, Oldenbourg-Verlag , Thomas Plümper, pages : 292 - 295, Thomas Plümper, Schulze, Günther G.Capital Controls in Direct Democracies In : European Integration in the World Economy 1992, Springer , Vosgerau, Hans-Jürgen, pages : 750 - 774, Vosgerau, Hans-Jürgen,
Other publications Years: 2025 |
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1998 |
1996 | show all back to the top of all publications Schulze, Günther G., Zakharov, NikitaPolitical Cycles of Media Repression IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 52, pages : 1 - 38, 2025 Ball, Joshua, Schulze, Günther G., Zakharov, NikitaAin’t no Silver Bullet? Gun Laws and Suicide in the US IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 51, pages : 1 - 20, 2024 Jomni, Hana, Zakharov, NikitaDo Terrorist Attacks Polarize Politicians? Evidence from the European Parliamentary Speeches on Migration IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 50, 2024 Kpeli, Parrendah Adwoa, Schulze, Günther G., Zakharow, NikitaElections and (mis)reporting of COVID-19 mortality IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 48, 2024 Jin, Gan, Schulze, Günther G.Historical Legacies and Urbanization: Evidence from Chinese Concessions IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 47, 2024 Jin, Gan, Schulze, Günther G.The Long-term Effect of Western Customs Institution on Firm Innovation in China IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 46, 2024 Jin, Gan, Karim, Md Rafiul, Schulze, Günther G.The Stock Market Effects of Islamist versus Non-Islamist Terror IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 45, 2024 Rey, Ramón, Schulze, Günther G., Zakharov, NikitaTransit Migration and Crime: Evidence from Colombia IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 44, 2024 Bomprezzi, Pietro, Dreher, Axel, Fuchs, Andreas, Hailer, Teresa, Kammerlander, Andreas, Kaplan, Lennart C., Marchesi, Silvia, Masi, Tania, Robert, Charlotte, Unfried, KerstinWedded to Prosperity? Informal Influence and Regional Favoritism CESifo Working Paper , issue : 10969, 2024 Rochlitz, Michael, Schoors, Koen J. L., Zakharov, NikitaCan Authoritarian Propaganda Compete with the Opposition on Social Media? Experimental Evidence from Russia. SSRN Working Paper , volume : 4433145, 2023 Schulze, Günther G., Zakharov, NikitaPolitical Cycles of Media Repression BOFIT Discussion Papers , volume : 3, 2023 Kozlov, Vladimir, Kofanov, Dmitrii, Zakharov, NikitaThe Effect of COVID-19 Cash Transfers on Health and Well-being of Adolescents:
Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Russia
SSRN Working Papers , volume : 4411663, 2023 Kammerlander, AndreasEconomic Growth and Pollution in different Political Regimes IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 43, 2022 Landmann, OliverStabilization Policy: A Turbulent Journey Through Time IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 42, 2022 Enikolopov, Ruben, Rochlitz, Michael, Schoors, Koen J. L., Zakharov, NikitaThe Effect of Independent Online Media in an Autocracy SSRN , 2022 Kammerlander, Andreas, Schulze, Günther G.Political-Economic Correlates of Environmental Policy IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 39, 2020 Gonschorek, Gerrit J.Subnational Favoritism in Development Grant Allocations –Empirical Evidence from Decentralized Indonesia IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 38, 2020 Jin, GanCircle of Fortune: The Long Term Impact of Western Customs Institutions in China IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 37, 2018 Orlanski, Olga, Schulze, Günther G.The Determinants of Islamophobia – An Empirical Analysis of the Swiss Minaret Referendum IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 35, 2018 Gonschorek, Gerrit J., Sjahrir, Bambang S., Schulze, Günther G.To the ones in need or the ones you need? The Political Economy of Central Discretionary Grants − Empirical Evidence from Indonesia IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 36, 2018 Athukorala, PremachandraChina’s evolving role in global production networks: Implications for Trump’s trade war IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 34, 2017 Zakharov, NikitaDoes Corruption Hinder Investment? Evidence from Russian Regions IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 33, 2017 Aswicahyono, Haryo, Hill, HalIs Indonesia Trapped in the Middle? IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 31, 2015 Dihle, HannoReal Options in a Ramsey style growth model IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 32, 2015 Barde, Julia A., Walkiewicz, JulianaAccess to Piped Water and Human Capital Formation - Evidence from Brazilian Primary Schools
IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 28, 2014 Landmann, OliverEMU and the Cyclical Behavior of Fiscal Policy: A Suggested Interpretation IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 29, 2014 Schulze, Günther G., Sjahrir, Bambang S.How Indonesian Local Governments Spend Too Much on Themselves East Asia Forum , 2014 Barde, Julia A.How to Improve Access to Piped Water in Rural Areas? Evidence from User Associations in Brazil IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 30, 2014 Hill, HalIs There a Southeast Asian Development Model? IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 26, 2014 Landmann, OliverShort‐Run Macro After the Crisis: The End of the “New” Neoclassical Synthesis? IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 27, 2014 Kis-Katos, Krisztina, Sjahrir, Bambang S.The Impact of Fiscal and Political Decentralization on Local Public Investments in Indonesia IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 25, 2014 Kis-Katos, Krisztina, Sjahrir, Bambang S.The Impact of Fiscal and Political Decentralization on Local Public Investments in Indonesia IZA DP No. 7884, Bonn , 2014 Sjahrir, Bambang S., Kis-Katos, Krisztina, Schulze, Günther G.Administrative Overspending in Indonesian Districts: The Role of Local Politics IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 24, 2013 Schulze, Günther G., Sjahrir, Bambang S., Zakharov, NikitaCorruption in Russia
IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 22, 2013 Barde, Julia A., Lehmann, PaulDistributional Effects of Water Tariff Reforms - An Empirical Study for Lima, Peru
UFZ Discussion Paper 14 /2013, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Resarch, Leipzig , 2013 Sjahrir, Bambang S., Kis-Katos, Krisztina, Schulze, Günther G.Political Business Cycles in Local Indonesia
IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 23, 2013 Kis-Katos, Krisztina, Sparrow, RobertPoverty, Labour Markets and Trade Liberalization in Indonesia IZA DP No. 7645, IZA, Bonn , 2013 Farfán-Vallespín, A.Decentralization as Unbundling of Public Goods Provision - New Effects of Decentralization on Efficiency and Electoral Control IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 21, 2012 Flotho, StefanieMonetary and Fiscal Policy in a Monetary Union under the Zero Lower Bound constraint IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 20, 2012 Kis-Katos, Krisztina, Liebert, Helge, Schulze, Günther G.On the Heterogeneity of Terror IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 19, 2012 Barde, Julia A., Karsch, Henning, Schulze, Günther G.The Impact of Access to Clean Water and Sanitation on Growth - Evidence from Developing Countries. mimeo , 2012 Cisneros, Elias, Hargrave, Jorge, Kis-Katos, KrisztinaUnintended Consequences of Anti-Corruption Strategies: Evidence from Public Fiscal Audits in the Brazilian Amazon. Working Paper , 2012 Lübke, Christian vonDemocracy in Progress – or Oligarchy in Disguise? The Politics of Decentralized Governance in Post‐Suharto Indonesia IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 15, 2011 Hargrave, Jorge, Kis-Katos, KrisztinaEconomic Causes of Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon: A Panel Data Analysis for the 2000s
IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 17, 2011 Fünfgelt, Joachim, Schulze, Günther G.Endogenous Environmental Policy when Pollution is Transboundary IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 14, 2011 Kleber, CarolinGestaltungskriterien für ein Folgeabkommen zum Kyoto‐Protokoll – Eine ökonomische Analyse des globalen Klimaschutzes IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 16, 2011 Agustina, Cut Dian R.D., Fengler, Wolfgang, Schulze, Günther G.The Regional Impact of Indonesia's Fiscal Policy on Oil and Gas - Options for Reform
IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 18, 2011 Dascher, KristofHomeowner-made Housing Price Bubbles - East Germany's Example IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 11, 2010 Koppel, Hannes, Schulze, Günther G.On the Channels of Pro-Social Behavior - Evidence from a natural field experiment
IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 10, 2010 Kis-Katos, Krisztina, Liebert, Helge, Schulze, Günther G.On the Origin of Domestic and International Terrorism IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 12, 2010 McCulloch, Neil, Schulze, Günther G., Voss, JaninaWhat Determines Firms' Decisions to Formalize?
IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 13, 2010 Kis-Katos, Krisztina, Sparrow, RobertChild Work and Schooling Under Trade Liberalization in Indonesia IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 8, 2009 Landmann, OliverEMU@10: Coping with Rotating Slumps IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 9, 2009 Czaika, MathiasThe Political Economy of Refugee Migration
IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 7, 2009 Czaika, Mathias, Kis-Katos, KrisztinaCivil Conflict and Displacement: Village-Level Determinants of Forced Migration in Aceh IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 4, 2008 McCulloch, Neil, Sjahrir, Bambang S.Endowments, Location or Luck: Evaluating the Determinants of Sub-National Growth in Decentralized Indonesia The World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 4769 , 2008 Deuchert, EvaHIV in Sub-Saharan Africa - An Econometric Analysis of HIV Risk Factors, Ph. D. Dissertation , 2008 Koppel, Hannes, Schulze, Günther G.Inefficient but Effective? A Field Experiment on the Effectiveness of Direct and Indirect Transfer Mechanisms IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 2, 2008 Czaika, Mathias, Mayer, AmyRefugee Movements and Aid Responsiveness IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 5, 2008 Schulze, Günther G., Warning, Susanne, Wiermann, ChristianWhat and How Long Does it Take to Get Tenure? The Case of Economics and Business Administration in Austria, Germany and Switzerland IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 6, 2008 Schulze, Günther G., Warning, Susanne, Wiermann, ChristianZeitschriftenrankings für die Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Konstruktion eines umfassenden Metaindexes IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 3, 2008 Deuchert, Eva, Sajons, Gwendolin, Schulze, Günther G.Rational Sex in Times of AIDS? University of Freiburg, mimeo , 2007 Schulze, Günther G., Lehmann, Erik E.What Does it Take to Be a Star? The Role of Performance and the Media for German Soccer Players IEP Discussion Paper Series, University of Freiburg , issue : 1, 2007 Czaika, MathiasBurden-Sharing or Migration Management? The Political Economy of Aid and Forced Migration
Working Paper, University of Freiburg , 2006 Hofman, Bert, Kadjatmiko, Kaiser, Kai, Sjahrir, Bambang S.Evaluating Fiscal Equalization in Indonesia The World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No: 3911 , 2006 Czaika, MathiasHow Much to Pay for a Refugee? On the Role of Financial Transfers in Forced Migration Politics Working Paper, University of Freiburg , 2006 Schulze, Günther G.Kulturprodukte, Kulturkonsumenten und die Frage der Kultursubventionen
Kultur und Kreativität als neue Wirtschaftsfaktoren. Jahrbuch Kulturwirtschaft , 2006 Deuchert, Eva, Fliedner, JulianeThe Wealth-Puzzle in Kenya's HIV/AIDS Epidemic: Does Sex Explain Higher Prevalence for Wealthier People? University of Freiburg, mimeo , 2006 Fliedner, JulianeThe Distribution of Health Care in Developing Countries - Implications for Human Capital and Growth ASP-Working Paper Series , 2005 Schulze, Günther G.Capital Export, Unemployment, and Illegal Immigration University of Konstanz, CEPR discussion paper, no. 1394 , 1996 Credits: SILK Icons by