Klausuren Wintersemester 2024/25
Haupttermin / Exam:
Reale Außenwirtschaft | 18.02.2025 (Tue) | 10.15-11.15 | HS 1199 |
The Economics of Terror | 19.02.2025 (Wed) | 9.15-11.15 | HS 1098 |
Introduction to Empirical Economics Using Stata |
Start: 10.02.2025 (Mon) |
End: 25.02.2025 (Tue), 11.59p.m. |
Take Home Exam |
Causal Analysis in Labor Economics using R |
21.02.2025 (Fri) |
9.15-10.15 | HS 3044 |
Nachtermin / Retake Exam:
The Political Economy of Information and Media | 17.02.2025 (Mo) | 14.15-16.15 | R 01 012 |
The Economics of Corruption | 20.02.2025 (Thu) | 10.15-12.15 | R 01 012 |
Bitte seien Sie 15 Minuten vor Beginn da, damit wir pünktlich beginnen können!
Please be there 15 minutes earlier so that we can start punctually!
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